Northpine Announces $250,000 Investment in Book Clubs for Inmates to Facilitate Author Visits in Canadian Federal Prisons
Sara Tessier
June 10, 2024

The Northpine Foundation is thrilled to announce support for an initiative from Book Clubs for Inmates (BCFI), aimed at enhancing the rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates through literature. Northpine has invested $250,000 in BCFI to support the organization’s mission of bringing authors into federal prisons across Canada over the next five years.

This investment will fund 150 author visits to 43 Canadian Federal Institutions, with approximately 30 authors participating annually. These visits aim to provide inmates with direct interaction with writers, fostering a love of reading and providing enriching, educational experiences that support personal growth and prepare inmates for successful reintegration into society.

“Literature has the power to transform thoughts and lives, and this initiative will offer incarcerated persons the opportunity to expand their horizons and develop critical skills for their future,” said Sara Tessier, Impact Director at Northpine. “Our investment in BCFI is an important step towards creating an environment and mindset supportive of rehabilitation and reintegration.”

Since the pandemic, BCFI has only managed to organize four to five author visits per year with local authors. These visits have proven to be incredibly impactful, despite being limited by costs and scheduling challenges. The investment from Northpine will enable BCFI to significantly expand its reach, bringing a diverse range of authors to federal prisons nationwide.

“This initiative not only supports literacy and education but also helps inmates develop a sense of connection and understanding through literature,” Tom Best, Executive Director said. “We are grateful to Northpine for their support and shared vision.”

In addition to author visits, BCFI also runs the Children of Inmates Reading Program (ChIRP), which allows inmates to select a book for their child and record themselves reading it. This program promotes healthier parent-child relationships, literacy, and a love of learning among children. The ChIRP initiative will also benefit from the expanded author visits, helping to create a deeper connection between inmates and their families through shared literary experiences.
The initiative’s impact will be meticulously measured through feedback before and after each book club session. This data will be used to gauge the program’s success and refine future efforts to ensure meaningful and lasting impact. Northpine and BCFI are committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of incarcerated persons, providing them with opportunities they need to set the foundation to rebuild their lives upon release, through the power of literature.

Learn more about Book Clubs for Inmates here and see the Northpine Foundation’s investments in Formerly Incarcerated Persons here.